I write this opinion as a taxpayer and Hardyston citizen, not as a member of the Hardyston Board of Education.
I have worked alongside Dave Van Ginneken and Ron Hoffman for the past 10 years. Their dedication to the constant improvement of our schools is commendable. Their focus on students and staff is steadfast. Their ability to keep personal and political beliefs away from the board table is honorable. Their commitment to the growth of our district through long-term planning and action is admirable.
I believe Jeff Altieri would be a great addition to the Hardyston BOE. His proven commitment to the Hardyston community, professional experiences in finances, and servant leadership make him an ideal candidate.
The leadership of Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Van Ginneken over the past 10 years steered the board toward vital improvements, including:
• Hiring and funding retired police officers to keep our schools safe.
• Creating intervention programs targeting literacy and math development.
• Building in-house special-education programs allowing students to receive the best education within Hardyston schools.
• Modernizing utility services (heating, electrical, sewer, water) of our buildings.
• Employing a full-day pre-K program saving taxpayers thousands of dollars in child care.
An individual offering their name for candidacy and committing to serve on the Board of Education is noble. I thank all candidates for submitting their names for service to our community.
I stand behind the leadership of Ron and Dave and look forward to working with them and Jeff as board members to enhance educational programs for our students, provide staff with the resources to support our children, and make Hardyston schools the best they can be.
Vote 3-4-5 to support the hive!
Go Hornets!
Nick Demsak
Originally Posted Here: https://www.advertisernewssouth.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/van-ginneken-hoffman-dedicated-to-schools-altieri-committed-to-community-XJ3821981