I am writing this to throw my support for Dave Van Ginneken and Jeff Altieri for the Hardyston Township Board of Education.
I have had the pleasure to serve on the Hardyston Recreation Committee with Dave for many years. Between running the rec soccer to volunteering his time on this committee and being a member of the BOE, his participation has been stellar.
I have also had the pleasure to work with Jeff Altieri for the past two years. Jeff had brought much insight and helpful suggestions to our committee. Jeff is truly involved in our community to help our children.
I served two terms on the BOE and understand the commitment it takes to serve your term as an elected official. It is not an easy task to take on and actually a thankless job.
I have been a member of the Rec Committee now for over 20 years and have lived in Hardyston for 41 years.
School board elections were never meant to be political. No one on the town council should be endorsing any candidates for re-election or election. They are two separate entities with two separate budgets.
The town council has no say or control over the BOE since the elections were allowed to be moved to November. Politics have no place in any BOE election.
My vote will be for Van Ginneken and Altieri come Nov. 5. I hope you will follow and Protect The Hive.
Kathleen Judd
Originally posted here: https://www.advertisernewssouth.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/van-ginneken-altieri-involved-in-community-YK3804526